Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Babies having babies

Babies having babies
Over the course of time, I have been blessed to have helped a variety of moms, in various socioeconomic settings deliver their babies. In 30 years I delivered 13 babies. Certainly not a world record by any stretch, but each delivery was not only exciting (for me anyway) but educationally challenging.
I was a brand new EMT in 76 or 77, riding with the Ossining Volunteer Ambulance Corps, and the sun had just come up in winter when we were dispatched for a woman in labor. “woman” was really a misnomer because she was 16. She was a girl.
A few facts that are important. Ossining is where Sing-Sing is located. It’s on the Hudson River, perhaps 20 miles north of the Bronx and if one were to try to count languages spoken, homeless people on the street living under bridges on route 9A, you would be hard pressed to find two people who agreed on the sum total of people. Ossining opened my eyes to how wonderful Physicians and Allied health professionals could be, taking care of the poor for FREE. Remember, I grew up in Westport CT where poor meant you couldn’t afford the blue Volvo you so desperately had to have. The clinic was / is  The Ossining Open Door (http://www.opendoormedical.org/)  Please find a few dollars and help them save lives.  
The estimated per capita income in 2011: $28,871 and the estimated rent is $1,303. That leaves my fellow New Yorkers less than 40 bucks per day for food, medicine, Daycare, and, the topic of this rant….birth control.
The mid 70’s, leave many holes in the memory. Explicitly, I remember on our crew was Toby Kress, who was very smart, very streetwise and by trade, an educator. Toby had (has) a daughter Ellen who, not only stunningly beautiful, but stunningly smart. Mom & daughter taught me much, They taught me about compassion, about being non-judgmental and about the fact that life deals us a hand of cards. Some of us are great card players and some can’t open the box that cards some in. Regardless, each of us has some skill that helps us survive.
So, as I have reluctantly, yet proudly related the humor in these situations…….Here is the synopsis of baby #1’s  entrance into the world.
Remember, mom was 16. Not streetwise,  not even sure how she got into this mess except that some horn dog teen ager took advantage of her.
Mom is on the stretcher. Contractions perhaps 3 minutes apart. Babies are typically born, at least vaginally, face down, then they turn, delivering a shoulder, then you better hang on. All bets are off, no turning back over the course of time, The finish line is in sight.
There are a few fits and starts as we move through this dance. Perhaps after 2 minutes, and the contractions had stopped (Don’t forget it’s early and I NEED COFFEE) I make a comment.  An innocent, not going for a laugh comment…..”Sure does have a lot of hair on it” I say. I SWEAR I was referencing the baby’s head. Mom says “Thank you”. I say..”No The baby”
After we both had a good chuckle, mom delivered a gift from God. She was so sweet, and amazingly quiet. Almost as if to say, “You guys have any idea what the heck you are doing?”

I spoke with my wonderful friend Diana Ferris Dimon today and shared this story. Diana has one of those brains that is so smart, so logical, so intuitive, so insightful, that anyone who she befriends automatically has a life that is markedly and profoundly improved forever.

Her observation of this event made me feel proud and our conversation made me feel loved.

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